by Sara | Apr 9, 2019 | Acupuncture, Exercises, Herbal Medicine, Massage, News
We know the weather has been giving us all a run for our money these days, but do not lose hope. It is Colorado after all and while “Springter” is not an official season, we all know it’s real! This craziness provides us a perfect context to discuss...
by Sara | Apr 9, 2019 | Acupuncture, Exercises, Massage, News
With spring come longer days! The sun is up earlier and that means it’s easier to get up and get that exercise routine started. So with all that running, don’t forget to stretch! Remember- the liver and gallbladder are related to your ligaments and tendons so get...
by Sara | Mar 26, 2019 | Acupuncture, Exercises, Herbal Medicine, News
Many of the herbs associated with the Spring season have a bitter quality to them. This is no accident. As Spring sets in on upon us and the greens begin to populate the garden you will also find that they share in this quality. The bitter taste is an excellent...
by Sara | Mar 26, 2019 | Acupuncture, Exercises, Massage, News
It’s warming up a little! Ok we may get another heavy, wet, Spring snow, but on these warm days we can start to think about moving around a little bit more, getting outside, taking big breaths of fresh (hopefully) air! I’ve had a bit of a struggle getting my kids...
by Sara | Mar 26, 2019 | Exercises, Massage
Knee grinding? Does walking, running, squatting or climbing stairs elicit a symphony of sounds from your knees? One reason for this may be improper patellar tracking. The patella, or the kneecap is embedded in the thick patellar tendon that runs vertically across...
by Sara | Mar 26, 2019 | Acupuncture, Exercises
Here’s a fascinating op-ed ( from the NYT about chronic pain, and whether we should view it as a sensation or emotion. I won’t keep you in...