
Health Check List

Jan 14, 2020 | News

Many of us are back to work today and ready to attack the new year!  While you are setting goals for yourself, we at Bodies On Point want you to set a few health goals as well.  These might not seem like goals to you, maybe more like an odd checklist. But we want you to see your health as focusing on these simple “rules” of health standards.  

#1 Did you sleep well last night?  

#2. Did you poop today?

#3. Did you eat well today?

#4. Did you do some sort of exercise and/or selfcare/ meditation today?

If you have had an appointment with Sara or Thad, you have experienced these questions many times.  If you subscribe to our newsletter, you also saw these points yesterday. If not, book an appointment with us and find out why these 4 questions are so important to keeping you On Point!