
Healthy Body: Healthy Mind

May 10, 2018 | Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, News

Well, here’s hoping you were able to make the best of the wonderful weather we had this weekend!

As the days are warming many of us are choosing to increase our outside activities, which makes me think about two things.

First off, you should never underestimate the positive physical and mental effects of embarking on outdoor adventures. Don’t worry, these don’t have to be anything elaborate. I mean, sure a trip to the mountains is wonderful, but a simple jog or walk through the park can have the same positive effect, and without the headache of weekend mountain traffic.

The connection between a healthy body and a healthy mind is often spoken about in alternative health approaches. And it’s absolutely true! Keeping your body healthy and active will help keep your mind calm and focused.

In TCM, there is not a hard and fast distinction between the body and mind. Both are seen as intertwined parts of a whole. TCM even goes so far as to flip flop the above “healthy body = healthy mind” and say that a healthy mind will help build and maintain a healthy body. This is also absolutely true! Just think about the effect that stress has on your blood pressure and you will see the wisdom inherent in this perspective.

The great news is that TCM can help out on both fronts! We here at Bodies on Point aim to keep you On Point! by focusing on the connection between the mind and body and working to bring them into balance with each other. So, don’t just think about acupuncture for your physical aches and pains. We can help with those emotional ups and downs as well.

Second, the change in the season, along with our being out in it means those of us who suffer with seasonal allergies are prone to struggle during this time of year. And so whether it be itchy eyes, sneezing, runny noses, or foggy headedness, acupuncture can help. Don’t miss out on the amazingness of spring due to the effects of seasonal allergies. Instead, reach out and take your health and happiness back into your own hands.

We are here to help!