
Full Cold Moon

Happy Full Cold Moon

I hope everyone had a wonderful Winter Solstice celebration, Christmas celebration, Hanukkah celebration, Kwanzaa celebration, and Full Moon Celebration. The Cold Moon name comes from the Mohawk tribe referring to how the cold weather now begins to set in.

This is the most Yin time of year which means it’s the time of year we should be focusing on conserving our energy and and resting. Stay warm and healthy by eating soups and stews. Unfortunately this is usually the time of year when we are most busy and stressed. We hope you can find time for yourself to relax and enjoy your friends and family.

Keep an eye on my Instagram page for seasonal tips, tricks and recipes!

Speaking of soups and stews . . . . we had this soup last week and it was delicious!! A little heavy on the sausage for me, but the boys and my husband loved it! I’m also trying to let my younger son, Charlie, Help me with cooking more as he enjoys it . . . and it slows me down in a good way and in a somewhat stressful way . . . clearly things we are all working on! Check this out and comment on social media if you liked it! This recipe comes from @erinliveswhole

White Bean Kale Sausage Soup


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 lb mild Italian sausage
  • 1 small yellow onion, diced
  • 2 stalks celery, diced
  • 2 carrots, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 cans white beans, divided, drained and rinsed
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 6 cups chicken broth
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp fresh chopped rosemary
  • 1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley
  • 3 cups kale, de-stemmed and chopped small
  • fresh parmesan for topping


  1. In a large dutch oven or saucepan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add sausage and cook throughout, breaking down into small pieces. Remove from stove with slotted spoon and set aside.
  2. Cook onions, celery, and carrots in the leftover sausage oil for about 4-5 minutes or until veggies have begun to soften. Then add garlic and cook for another minute.
  3. Add two cans of white beans to the pot, along with salt and pepper. Mix up and then add chicken broth and lemon juice.
  4. Let boil for 10 minutes over medium heat. Turn off heat.
  5. Either using an immersion blender or high powered blender, blend soup. You may need to do this in batches but it is also okay to leave some chunks! I like mine a little chunky.
  6. Pour soup back into dutch oven, turn on medium-low heat.
  7. Add the sausage back in, and then add in the third can of beans, rosemary, parsley, and kale. Stir and let cook for 10 more minutes.
  8. Serve and top with parmesan.

Keep an eye on my Instagram page for seasonal tips, tricks and recipes!

**Don’t forget to follow me @thegoodwitchofparkhill

Goodbye 2023

We at Bodies On Point want to THANK YOU for a wonderful year and we are looking forward to seeing all of you in the new year!!!

Cheers to 2024!!

January always brings a sense of restart, renewing and becoming a new you. This is awesome, but let’s be real! Making major changes at this time of year is completely overwhelming!!! Go slow! Small changes that fit your life become lifestyle changes that continue forever!

That’s where my

Lifestyle Health and Wellness Consulting

comes in!

Let’s chat how you can take better care of YOU!

And just to let you know- I will be Rebooting the

Spring Detox and Reboot

in March!

Jackie is coming back!!!

Jackie will be wrapping up her maternity leave in January and will return to Bodies On Point February 10, 2024! She will be seeing patients on a limited basis on Saturdays.

January is booking up so make sure you get yourself scheduled! We are still honoring HSA purchases as well as our packages can be purchased at anytime!

We offer package rates for Acupuncture, Massage, combo Pilates/Acupuncture, and our newest offering of Lifestyle Health and Wellness Coaching!

Hop on over to my website to purchase any of these options from the comfort of your computer and calendar and let’s start that New Year On Point!!!

Lifestyle Health and Wellness Coaching for 6 Months $1099

***Purchase before December 31 and get it for $949

Lifestyle Health and Wellness Coaching for 3 Months $750

***Purchase before December 31 and get it for $650

Just want to get labwork and discuss? $250

**Purchase before December 31 and get it for $200

12 Acupuncture Treatments $1020

12- 60 Min Massages $1020

12- 90 Min Massages. $1200

12- Combo Pilates/ Acupuncture appointments (90min total) $1500

Subscriptions for Remedies Now Available!


Purchase Packages Here!
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