
Product Education

Products Overview

Products Overview

Watch this video for some simplified explanation of about our tinctures and salves! Hear about some of our most popular blends and our personal favorites. Learn how and when you use and apply remedies!
Common Cold Tincture

Common Cold Tincture

My common cold blend contains Ban Lan Gen/Istidis, Chuan Xin Lian/Andrographitis, Lian Qiao/Forsythia Fruit, Ge Gen/ Kudzu Root, and Bo He/ Mint.
R&R Tincture

R&R Tincture

R&R, or Rest and Relax, is my proprietary blend of traditional Chinese herbs Xiang Fu/ Cyperus, Bai Shao/White Peony Root, Yu Jin/ Curcuma Tuber, He Huan Pi/ Silk tree bark, Gan Cao/ Licorice root, and Chen Pi/ aged tangerine peel.
SKIN Salve

SKIN Salve

SKIN is my proprietary blend of Dang Gui, Zi Cao, Grape Seed Oil, shea butter and bees wax. This formula is based on the traditional formula specifically for burns, but it's good for so much more. The reason I call this SKIN is because it treats all skin issues.
Moxa (Mugwort) Roller

Moxa (Mugwort) Roller

Ai Ye/Mugwort/Artemesia, regulates blood and stops bleeding. It also warms the channels, disperses cold, calms pain, dispels dampness and itching, and generally known as the cure-all-herb in Chinese Medicine.
On The Go Tincture

On The Go Tincture

Sometimes you just need a little energy boost, but you don’t want the jittery feeling and you don’t want it to keep you up all night! Hong Jing Tian/Rhodiola and Ci Wu Jia/Eleutherococci are immunostimulant, antihypoxia and adaptogenic in western medical terms. In Chinese medicine, these herbs are used to help with tonifying qi and and invigorate the blood.
The Cure Tincture

The Cure Tincture

The Cure is my proprietary blend of traditional Chinese herbs Chen Pi, Shen Qu, and Zhi Ban Xai designed to keep your digestive health on point!
Allergy Tincture

Allergy Tincture

Allergy is based on the classic formula Yu Ping Feng San, or Jade Wind Screen with Huang Qi, Fang Feng, Bai Zhu, which is formulated to boost your immune system so you can naturally prevent colds, flus, and allergy attacks.
Back to School Herbal Package

Back to School Herbal Package

This package includes the common cold tincture, R&R tincture, on the go tincture, moxa roller, and your choice of either the SKIN salve or muscle salve.
Muscle Salve

Muscle Salve

Muscle Salve is my proprietary blend of Yu JIn, Tao Ren, Chuan Xiong, Bai Shao, Grape seed oil, shea butter and beeswax. These ingredients are Traditional Chinese herbs used for invigorating the blood, break up blood stasis, balance each other in warming and cooling, and enter the liver.