
Full Wolf Moon and The Year of the Wood Dragon


Happy Full Wolf Moon

There’s so much to discuss in this month’s newsletter so I’m going to dive right in!

The Full Wolf Moon will be at its peak on Thursday, January 25th at 10:58 MTS, but obviously it appeared full last night and will appear full tonight.  It’s thought that January’s full Moon came to be known as the Wolf Moon because wolves were more likely to be heard howling at this time. It was traditionally believed that wolves howled due to hunger during winter, but we know today that wolves howl for different reasons. Howling and other wolf vocalizations are generally used to define territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds, and coordinate hunting.

I like to schedule my newsletters around the Full Moon because I love seeing the light the Full moon casts and I feel like it makes many of us pause and look to the sky and enjoy the beauty.  Because my boys are in many sports, I’m usually driving them in the evenings and enjoy the full moon.  I also enjoy the early morning moon as well because for I think about 10 years I’ve been running somewhere between 5:30am and 7am.  I wouldn’t call myself a morning person, it’s just the only time I can guarantee that I’ll get in a workout.  The other thing I love about the full moon is that energetically, it’s a time of letting go and moving forward.  Often I’ve spent the previous several days thinking about what I’ll write next in my newsletter and will anyone read it and will they like it.  By the time I hit send, I’ve let that stress go and I’m ready to implement whatever I’ve discussed in the newsletter.  This month is especially true.  I’ve been telling my patients that this is the new year and January is a time of renewal, new beginnings, and time to think about new goals.

However, in Chinese Medicine, the New Year doesn’t really begin until; February 10th, which is actually the day after the New Moon on February 9th. Energetically, new moons are a time of setting goals and intentions and beginning anew. OK- so maybe I’ve gotten waaaaay toooo wooowooo on some of you . . . . .The bottom line is if you are still trying to figure out what you want this year to look like or what your health and wellness goals are or just feel like you haven’t settled in to 2024, don’t worry! It’s only just begun!
And it’s got to be a great year as it is the year of the Wood Dragon!

In China, the dragon symbolizes power, nobleness, honor, luck, and success. Cheers to that!! Dragons in Chinese mythology, have the power to control wind and rain and bring prosperity to the world. As the legend goes . . .The Jade emperor of China told the animals to race across a river to the finish line and the first twelve would be the animals of the Chinese Zodiac in order of their finishing.

“When Dragon was on his way to the finish line, he found a village suffering from a very serious drought — even its plants and crops did not grow, and a great number of people were in famine. So, he flew across the clouds and opened his mouth to make rain and solved their hardship.

Dragon continued on in the race, but after a while, he saw another village threatened by a flood. He stopped without hesitation and opened his mouth to absorb the water. His efforts and powers moved the flood waters to the sea, and the disaster at the village was averted.

As Dragon hurried on his way towards the race’s end, he saw that Rabbit was being chased by a wolf. In order to deal with the wolf and save Rabbit, he let Rabbit go on ahead. So, by generously helping those he met on the way, as is always his nature, Dragon came in after Rabbit in the zodiac race.”

Keep an eye on my Instagram page for this season’s tips, tricks and recipes!

**And follow me @thegoodwitchofparkhill

or Bodies On Point on Facebook

Visit our Websi
In this year of the Wood Dragon, there’s bound to be an abundance of energy so make sure you are putting your energy where you want it, and make sure you are saving some of your energy to take care of you!! Take some time to focus on your health and wellness goals this year.

A great way to start is my Spring Detox Starter Kit

as well as my Lifestyle Health and Wellness Consulting.

My Spring Detox is a great way to jump start you post holiday madness.

You can choose from the

The Full Spring Detox Starter Kit includes

7 days of the Spring Detox Tea,

On the Go Tincture,

Spring Rejuvenation Reboot Meal plan and grocery list,

and Moxa roller for self acupressure

For just $99!

Just want the Tea??


Full Spring Detox Starter Kit
Spring Detox Tea

My Lifestyle Health and Wellness Package

My Lifestyle Health and Wellness Package is especially for those who want to work with me for dietary, herbal and supplemental wellbeing but cannot regularly come in for acupuncture.

It’s Perfect For You If…

This is a great way to start 2024 if you are feeling like you just can’t seem to get organized on how to feel better, how to eat better, how to sleep better, or just need a little adjusting on all of it!

Pick the One That’s Right For You

We can work together for 6 months, 3 months, or just take a one-time super deep dive!

Here’s What You Get for 6 Month Program


Deep dive into Lifestyle Health and Wellness to get you On Point

6 month for $1099

  • Initial call and assessment- about 60 minutes
  • Full Blood panel
  • Follow up call re results
  • Support resources (food, recipes, lifestyle)
  • Suggestions for herbal supplements etc.
  • Follow up lab tests at the 3 month mark and reassess supplements, herbal remedies
  • Up to 30 min per call every 2 weeks for the 6 month period
  • Unlimited email/ text support for the 6 month period

Starting Foundation Lifestyle Health and Wellness


3 month for $749

  • Initial call and assessment- about 60 minutes
  • Full Blood panel
  • Follow up call re results
  • Support resources (food, recipes, lifestyle)
  • Suggestions for herbal supplements etc.
  • Up to 4 30 minute followup calls over the 3 month period


What if you already come in and just want to go deeper with testing and tweaking?


General Health Assessment

  • 1 time 90 min zoom call intake to discuss full blood panel and results, general advice on supplements and herbal remedies  $350

Do you have more questions?

Email me Sara@bodiesonpoint.com

Is incorporating more massages in your New Year’s resolutions? Check out Liz and her view on the new year!

The World needs your unique light.

I feel like 2024 came in cold and harsh, full of fears and unknowns and weird illnesses.  My body contracted with the cold and put up its walls, physically, emotionally and probably spiritually.  I feel like a gnarly little knot.

AND  the World needs light – our unique light.

So, as counter intuitive as it may seem we need to open up.  Open our bodies, stretch muscles, take huge breaths, lay spread out, take hot baths, remember the back of the body, twist and look at things from a different perspective, open our mind’s eye, look at beautiful things, savor the moments with loved ones and new people, and on and on with the ideas you may have.

Once you are open and filled with light, you can emanate light into the World that seems to desperately need it.

Book a Massage

Jackie is coming back!!!

Jackie will return to Bodies On Point February 10, 2024! She will be seeing patients on a limited basis on Saturdays.

Book With Jackie

Subscriptions for Remedies Now Available!


You asked for it and I am delivering!

You may have noticed that my Bodies On Point and remedies On Point social media accounts are now combined.

Well, my websites are now fully combined as well! Everything is now easier to access all on Bodies On Point including purchasing any products or prepaying for services/ purchasing services as gifts.

You can also find past newsletters and my Ebook with all my seasonal tips and tricks as well as some GREAT PILATES VIDEOS on there as well!!!

But what’s most exciting? You can now get my tinctures and topicals on a SUBSCRIPTION basis!!!! Yes- you can sign up to have my products delivered right to your door to keep you On Point!


Purchase Packages Here!
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Book An Appointment
Bodies On Point | 2040 E 28th AveDenver, CO 80205