It’s Late Summer!

Aug 1, 2019 | News

Hope you are managing to beat the heat these past couple of weeks. It’s been a bit toasty don’t ya think? 

We are officially in the fifth season of TCM. Hold on. Wait just a minute. You’re probably thinking that we’ve surely made a mistake since there are only four seasons!

Well, you might be surprised to find out that in TCM there are actually five seasons. And this Late Summer season is in full swing.

It is characterized by an increase in humidity, which if you’ve been outside recently in the morning you’ll know all about. This increase in moisture makes the air feel heavy and makes the heat feel hotter. 

All of this comes together to make us feel tired, sluggish, and heavy as well. 

It also slows down our digestion. 

So, if you are feeling a bit off in your either area now is the time to schedule your next appointment. We can help offset the impacts of season change and help get you back On Point!

Schedule Now!

And as always thank you for trusting us to help keep you On Point!

Sara and Thaddeus