Happy Strawberry Full Moon!!! |
The Full Strawberry Moon reaches its peak tonight at 11:43pm! Maybe it will inspire some strawberry’s on my strawberry plant pictured above. This moon is named the strawberry moon not because of it’s color, but because it’s the time of year when berries begin to ripen. Also known as the Blooming Moon, Green Corn Moon, Hoer Moon, Birthing Moon, Egg Laying Moon, and Hatching Moon, but often the most popular alternative name is the Honey Moon, fitting since many weddings happen in June (My husband and I will celebrate 19 years on the 18th!). By the way, June is named for the Roman goddess of marriage Juno. So we survived Mayhem May (mostly unscarred, except my son who ripped open his knee on the last day of school) and now it’s time to talk SUMMER!!! Summer is my favorite time of year! Time to get outside, eat fresh fruits and veggies, and enjoy the sun. We will be celebrating the Summer Solstice on June 20th from 6:30-9:30pm at Confia Elevated, 1545 South Pearl St, Denver, CO 80210. Join Allizen Pancost and I for a Sound Bath and Community style acupuncture treatment. Sign up Online to join us! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-acupuncture-and-sound-bath-tickets-641608657767?aff=ebdssbdestsearch |
With summer means more travel, more time playing outside, changes in sleep, and often changes in diet. The ladies at Bodies On Point are here to help you stay On Point with Acupuncture, Massage, and Pilates! And don’t forget about our Apothecary Remedies On Point! My proprietary blend of tinctures and salves are there to keep you On Point between your appointments. |
Certified pilates instructor, Jen Duffley, began her fitness journey at a very young age. A former competitive gymnast and coach, Jen was trained to work diligently, developing a sense of confidence, and an eye for form and technique. This, she believes, is the foundation to achieving the best results with any activity. Incorporating patience and a calming mind-set, Jen encourages her clients to accomplish the ultimate: core strength and balance. Jen is passionate about finding that perfect combination of mind and body, and believes that any good fitness program should be challenging and integrative. Outside of her pilates life, Jen enjoys skiing, biking, yoga, and traveling. Jen continues to educate herself through PhysicalMind Pilates and passes this expertise on to her clients. Individual Sessions with Jen are $95, 10 pack sessions for $850. Book with her starting May 18th! |
Speaking of Strawberries . . . . .here’s a great summer salad to take to those upcoming BBQs. I realize it’s a bit early for Strawberries and Watermelon, but I’m just so excited for SUMMER! Watermelon Capres: 3c watermelon cubed 2c strawberries, chopped ½ c feta, crumbled ¼ c extra virgin olive oil Kosher salt Fresh ground black pepper 1/4c fresh basil, torn Combine watermelon, strawberries, feta, and olive oil in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper, garnish with basil. Courtesy Delish.com |
Feeling like you need an extra boost? Try a B12 injection at your next appointment! $20 with a treatment! $35 without a treatment |