Spring always gives us a feeling of rebirth and renewal, and I think this is especially true after a very tumultuous year. This month’s full moon is often known as the worm moon because of the image of the worm wiggling out of the earth. If you look around, you can see plants doing the same thing- green sprouts are pushing out everywhere. This time of year is related to the element of wood for the same reasons. The trees are sprouting and life is coming back. The wood element relates to the liver and gallbladder. Another thing many of you may be noticing is the anger or short temperedness of others. Our liver needs to be stretched and nourished. Getting outside for exercise and eating/ drinking sour foods, green foods- like spinach, peas, etc- can help soothe that angry liver.
Many of us are thinking of rebooting ourselves, this has been a long, cold winter and we are ready to reboot for spring. I started my Spring Detox/ Rejuvenation Reboot yesterday but you can jump in at anytime!
What is detox good for? Resetting cravings, getting back to eating more veggies/ healthy routine, helping your gut bacteria reset so your body can heal itself. When you have plenty of good gut bacteria, you can essentially fight off germs and viruses more efficiently, when you don’t have good gut bacteria, you are more susceptible to colds, flus, viruses, disease, autoimmune issues, and possibly long covid/ long haulers syndrome. Scientists are finding the healthier your gut is, the better your body can fight off the virus. Chinese Medicine has seen the health of your gut as the center of health for 4000 years. Your gut is your second brain, it’s where we process our thoughts, emotions, and tend to make many big decisions in our life- “my gut is telling me. . . . “. So why not take care of your gut to nourish your entire body? So much research is out there right now about the gut-brain connection and especially with all the research on long covid and brain fog, pain, fatigue, shortness of breath. Doctors all over the world are advising patients to seek out regular acupuncture and Chinese herbs to help manage these symptoms. The entire body is connected. Drinking the detox tea helps your body/ gut detox the junk it doesn’t need through your liver more efficiently and help you feel more energetic, clearer in thought, and be On Point. Add in the On the Go tincture helps your body repair itself with adaptogenic, immunity, and cell repairing herbs and of course acupuncture to move qi and blood. We’ve got the entire package here at Bodies On Point.
In the meantime, springtime is the perfect time to start the routine of warm lemon water every morning! Just add ½ squeezed lemon in a 8-16oz cup of warm water. The sour taste is the perfect flavor for the spring and helps to detox the liver which is our spring organ! Other than getting you hydrated first thing in the morning, it also gets the bowels moving and gives your digestive system a boost.