
November 2023

Hello!  I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!  We did!  We spent last week in Barcelona enjoying the food, wine, history and beautiful 65 degree weather which made returning to snow in Denver on Saturday afternoon a bit rough.

While there, it was fun to see the moon start to grow more and more full.  This month is known as the Full Beaver Moon because this is the time of year when Beavers start to take up their shelter and store food for the winter months.  Also because in colonial times, Beavers had the thickest of pelts which were of course great for trapping and the fur trade business.

I know I’m super nerdy, but I love just staring in the sky at night to see the stars and moon.  Of course it was extra magical sitting on the rooftop of our apartment and in the plazas in Barcelona!  So much history to soak in and to think of being on the opposite side of the world is quite mind blowing.

Travel is something my family and I love to do, but it can be very taxing on your health, especially when you return knowing that it’s time for the big end of year holiday push!  BUT I have 2 very special things to offer!

  1. My Lifestyle Health and Wellness Package
  2. Subscriptions options now available for my Remedies!!!!

My Lifestyle Health and Wellness Package is especially for those who want to work with me for dietary, herbal and supplemental wellbeing but cannot regularly come in for acupuncture.  This is a great way to start 2024 if you are feeling like you just can’t seem to get organized on how to feel better, how to eat better, how to sleep better, or just need a little adjusting on all of it!   We can work together for 6 months, 3 months, or just take a super deep dive in one time!

Deep dive into Lifestyle Health and Wellness to get you On Point

6 month $1099, Purchase by December 31st for $949

  • Initial call and assessment- about 60 minutes
  • Full Blood panel
  • Follow up call re results
  • Support resources (food, recipes, lifestyle)
  • Suggestions for herbal supplements etc.
  • Follow up lab tests at the 3 month mark and reassess supplements, herbal remedies
  • Up to 30 min per call every 2 weeks for the 6 month period
  • Unlimited email/ text support for the 6 month period

Starting Foundation Lifestyle Health and Wellness

3 month $749- Purchase by December 31st for $649

  • Initial call and assessment- about 60 minutes
  • Full Blood panel
  • Follow up call re results
  • Support resources (food, recipes, lifestyle)
  • Suggestions for herbal supplements etc.
  • Up to 4 30 minute followup calls over the 3 month period

What if you already come in and just want to go deeper with testing and tweaking?

General Health Assessment

  • 1 time 90 min zoom call intake to discuss full blood panel and results, general advice on supplements and herbal remedies     $200

Do you have more questions?  Email me Sara@bodiesonpoint.com


You asked for it and I am delivering!

You may have noticed that my Bodies On Point and remedies On Point social media accounts are now combined. Well, my websites are now fully combined as well! Everything is now easier to access all on Bodies On Point including purchasing any products or prepaying for services/ purchasing services as gifts. You can also find past newsletters and my Ebook with all my seasonal tips and tricks as well as some GREAT PILATES VIDEOS on there as well!!!

But what’s most exciting? You can now get my tinctures and topicals on a SUBSCRIPTION basis!!!! Yes- you can sign up to have my products delivered right to your door to keep you On Point!

So back to what I was saying about travel and the holidays being taxing on your health . . .stay healthy and On Point with Acupuncture, Massage, Pilates, Lifestyle Health and Wellness Coaching, and my Tinctures and Topicals!

3 Tips to keep you Healthy this Month!

  1.  Scarves!!! It’s scarf season so break them out! In East Asian Medicine we refer to your neck as your windgate. This is the spot which you are most susceptible to the wind- catching a cold. Notice when you put a scarf on/ cover your neck your whole body feels warmer, protected, and calmer. Also think of the opposite- when it’s super hot, where do we immediately put something cold- on your neck! So stay warm and healthy this winter with just a simple scarf!
  2. Cinnamon!! We use cinnamon stick, or Gui Zhi, in many formulas to relieve colds and flus and body aches. This is the herb which helps to warm our Spleen and Kidneys- 2 of our vital organs that get overtaxed this time of year. Cinnamon is also antiviral and antibacterial. Need a little oomph to your water during the day? Throw a cinnamon stick in a mug and just add hot water all day. You can even add a little squeeze of honey for extra fun. This will not only warm you up and keep you hydrated but also strengthen your immune system.
  3. Rub your earlobes! Huh?? Yup. If you’ve had acupuncture with me, I’ve probably told you about how your ear is like and upside down baby, with the ear lobe being the head and the spine following the curve of the ear with the internal organs on the inside. Rubbing your earlobe is like massaging your brain. Feeling stressed, tired, overwhelmed? Just take a moment to breathe and rub your earlobes and hopefully everything will run a bit smoother.

Follow Up to last month’s questionnaire:

When asked “what is your biggest health challenge during the holiday season? ” most people responded not getting enough sleep. Remember that sleep is the only way our bodies can repair themselves! Rub your ears and get plenty of REST!

Thinking about purchasing a package or need to spend that HSA??

Lifestyle Health and Wellness Coaching for 6 Months $1099

***Purchase before December 31 and get it for $949

Lifestyle Health and Wellness Coaching for 3 Months $750

***Purchase before December 31 and get it for $650

10 Acupuncture Treatments $850

10- 60 Min Massages $850

10- 90 Min Massages. $1200

10- Combo Pilates/ Acupuncture appointments (90min total)

You can always add a B12 injection or Traumeel injections at any appointment! $20 for B12, $35 for Traumeel.

**All packages are good for 1 year