
What about MOM??

May 7, 2019 | News

If you are like me and all grown up, then Sunday may be the day you check in on mom and see how things are going. Which brings us to today and the reality that next Sunday is Mother’s Day and, if you are like me, you still haven’t gotten anything for dear old mom.

Don’t worry, if you are reading this, then we’ve got you covered. There is still time to purchase one of Bodies on Point’s Mother Day’s packages.

First we have the “Mother’s Day On Point Package!” This is 3 treatments total. One massage, one acupuncture, and one facial rejuvenation treatment for only $195!

The other option is our “Mother’s Day Staycation Package!” This is one acupuncture treatment with 3 Remedies on Point products for only $100!

Get mom a gift that really shows you how much you care!