
Natural Remedies for 2020’s Ailments: COVID, Anxiety, Stress and Maskne

Nov 29, 2020 | Herbal Medicine

It’s hard to believe that a year ago we were all prepping for 2020! Many of us were sure this was the year… my year… our year… the year to remember! Well, part of that is true. 2020 will definitely be the year to remember, maybe just not in the way we all thought.

And now we are wrapping up 2020 with new hopes of 2021 to be better, so what have we learned? Many of us have experienced changes, whether it be in our jobs, family lives, priorities, or other areas in our lives. We have all been affected in some way and now we are all trying to figure out how to collectively move forward.

Concentrating on What’s in Our Control

One thing I hope I have inspired people to do is to take control of their health and wellness. We have the power to focus on prevention and staying healthy. While this may not fix everything, it allows us some sort of say in our overall health. It allows us to say, “I can do my best to take care of myself and my family.” And I can do this in a natural way with the same ancient herbs still being used and still proven to be effective after 4000 years. We refer to this practice as Traditional East Asian Medicine.

And what’s more? It’s affordable and accessible! My friends refer to me as, “The Good Witch of Park Hill,” Park Hill being our neighborhood in Denver, Colorado. I love mixing herbal remedies for all ailments to keep my friends, family, and acupuncture patients healthy. I created a line of tinctures and topicals that are easy to take, easy to understand, and available for all ages. Wrapping up 2020, I’ve put together a few COVID and 2020 inspired packages that are must-haves to help you start the new year:

  • The 2020 Remedies Package;

  • The Natural Covid Defense Package;

  • and The Full Covid 2020 Remedy Package.


Symptoms of 2020: Anxiety, Stress and Maskne

The 2020 Remedies Package contains my R&R Tincture and Skin Salve for a discounted bundle price of $25.

R&R is my proprietary blend of herbs specifically to help with rest and relaxation. One thing 2020 has not been is relaxing. Many people have suffered from stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights. This tincture is made to help you take the edge off without making you loopy or leave you feeling out of control. Take 1-3 full droppers of this tincture at the first sign of feeling stress or anxiety, and this can be taken again every 2-3 hours. Take 1-3 full droppers of this tincture to help ease into sleep at the end of a stressful day. Take1-3 full droppers of this tincture when you wake in the middle of the night and your brain starts spinning to calm your mind and ease back to sleep.

Skin salve is essential for the dry, winter weather that is right around the corner. Plus, the constant hand washing and maskne (mask acne) has put our skin through a lot! Skin Salve is a topical treatment to help soothe and heal all of your skin issues. Apply to all dry skin, cracks, sun burns, kitchen burns, rashes, or acne – anything that irritates your skin.

Natural Remedies to Boost Immunity and Treat COVID Symptoms

The Natural Covid Defense Package bundles 3 products to help boost immunity and combat the symptoms of COVID: Immunity Tincture, Moxa Roller, and On the Go Tincture. These three products are packaged together for a discounted price of $50.

The Immunity tincture is my proprietary blend of herbs specifically used to boost your immune system. It is based on the traditional formula, “Yu Ping Feng San” which translates to, “Jade Windscreen.” Traditional herbal books tell us that at the time of creating this formula, Jade was the strongest substance. Creating a screen made of jade would block anything from attacking the body and causing illness. Take 3 full droppers of this tincture every morning to create a barrier, or jade screen, around your body so that you stay healthy and well.

My Moxa roller has often been called my “magic wand” because it can be used for everything. Ai Ye/Mugwort/Artemisia is used to regulate blood and stop bleeding which also warms the channels, disperses cold, calms pain, dispels dampness and itching, and is generally known as the cure-all herb in Chinese Medicine.

In western medicine, this herb is an antiasthmatic, antibacterial, antidiarrheal, antiplatelet, antitussive, cholagogic, expectorant, hemostatic, sedative and hypnotic. The Moxa roller can be used on specific points to boost immunity, heal chronic pain/ injuries, and assist with menstrual cramps. Simply roll the roller on the affected area:

  • Roll on your sinuses to help open nasal passages and ease cold and allergy symptoms.

  • Roll on the lower abdominal area to ease menstrual pain, ease pcos symptoms, aid in menstrual regulation.

  • Roll on the neck and traps or just below the knee to boost the immune system.

  • Roll on the bottom of feet for a calming effect and to ease sleep.

  • Roll on the chest, low back and bottoms of feet to help relieve coughing.

  • My Ebook explains even more acupressure uses for the moxa roller!

On the Go does just what it says… gets you on the go! Many of us have struggled with lack of energy and focus, whether we are just having a bit of the blues or if we are recovering from COVID-19. Regardless, we are TIRED!

My On the Go tincture gives you just enough of an energy boost to get you going without the jitters. This tincture is known as a tonic so it also helps get you focused. And the bonus – it’s also an altigen which means it helps to balance your oxygen level when at high altitude (such as the Rocky Mountains!). Take 1-3 full droppers as needed to give you an energy boost or just to get you going at any time of the day.

A Little Something for all of 2020’s Ailments

The final package is The Full Covid 2020 Remedy Package for $65. It’s a combination of the first two packages so that gives you:

  • R&R

  • Skin Salve

  • Immunity

  • Moxa

  • On the Go

Everything you need to wrap up 2020 and get you into 2021! All of these products can be purchased on my website.

More About Remedies On Point

So why Remedies On Point? I (Sara) am a licensed acupuncturist and a licensed East Asian herbalist. Did you know that you don’t have to have a license nor any specific training to prescribe herbs? I spent 3 ½ years studying East Asian herbs and continue to do all I can to keep learning this 4,000-years-old practice. I am confident that my tinctures and topicals can help you through this tough time. Feel free to email me with any questions – I love chatting herbs!

We Are in This Together

At this point, we all know someone who has/has had COVID, whether their case was/is mild, severe, or fatal. We all need to do our part to stop the spread as well as protect our friends and family. Mask up, wash your hands, eat healthy, seasonal foods, get plenty of rest, exercise at home or outside (with proper clothing! ie: wear a hat outside when it’s cold), and try out some of my products! My tinctures and topicals can help boost your immune system to stay healthy all year long, especially now.

Every day is a new challenge, but we are trying our best to adjust and do better at staying safe and healthy. Subscribe to my email list and get a FREE copy of my Ebook! My Ebook is the best way to inform yourself about how you can use products like mine as well as use acupressure to keep yourself and your family healthy and strong, now and always!