‘Tis the season when we are bogged down with obligatory parties, endless rich food, holiday cheer, sleepless nights. With all of this comes the lowered immune and the germs that keep hunting you down.
Taking Care of You
We wash our hands and we cover our nose and mouth with our elbows and NEVER touch the bathroom knob, but those germs still find us! So what do we do? Common Cold!
This natural tincture is a cold remedy based upon a traditional Chinese formula that has stood the test of centuries! Three dropper-fulls of this tincture every couple hours at the first sign of a cold can reduce those symptoms of the common cold such as:
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Feeling of malaise
Additionally, our Common Cold tincture can shorten the length of your cold! Yeah- it doesn’t taste great. But it’s medicine, not treats. Above all, our tincture is safe for the whole family!