Healthy Body: Healthy Mind

Well, here’s hoping you were able to make the best of the wonderful weather we had this weekend! As the days are warming many of us are choosing to increase our outside activities, which makes me think about two things. First off, you should never underestimate...

Moxibustion, You and the Flu

  All you need do is Google anything related to the flu this season and you will be flooded with report after report of how bad it is out there right now. Many are going so far as to call it the “worst flu season in history.” Now, we’re not sure we’d go this far,...

New Year, New You!

Happy New Year!  We would like to express the gratitude for the gifts of 2017. We should never underestimate the importance of gratitude. But let’s be honest here, there were a lot of things over the past year which were, oh how should we put this, a challenge?...

Ice is NOT your friend!!

So often when we have an injury, we hear “just ice it.”  Unfortunately that is the WORST thing we can do!  Chinese Medicine sees ice as death.  Nothing can grow when it’s frozen, so how can regenerate new tissue if it’s frozen?  Western...