
Mermaid Stretch

Spring is liver time an the liver is related to your sinews- or common terms- ligaments and tendons.  Try out this mermaid stretch on the reformer!

Qi Gong

Sound is an important part of many meditation traditions. We don’t talk a lot about Qi Gong and its power of healing sound, but there are so many amazing resources out there. So, check out this short video that you can use to strengthen your Kidneys during the end of...

The Third Chakra

Third Chakra the Solar Plexus chakra  (Manipura chakra)   Located:  between the navel and the solar plexus ( the solar plexus is in back of the stomach, upper abdomen where many arteries and nerves come together.  If you get hit in the solar plexus it’s called...

The Second Chakra

The Second Chakra The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) “The dwelling place of the self” Located in the lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel and two inches in toward the spine. The second chakra governs the body’s liquids – blood, lymph, mucus, semen,...

The Chakras

Years ago I did a series of Vision Quests outside San Francisco and we spent a lot of time learning about our chakra system its function,  and how we could help to activate and strengthen each chakra.   The word chakra means “wheel of spinning energy.”  A simple...

Love your feet!

  Give your feet as much love as the rest of your body!  Daily stretching and strengthening of your feet can promote whole body health and wellness, prevent and diminsh pain, and keep your entire Body On Point!