
Massage and SCIENCE!

Knowing that Spring can be a time of frustration helps me to be a little less hard on myself for the moodiness and dissatisfaction that comes upon me in late March and April.  I’ve never really recognized the pattern until now, but sure enough…   So, remembering...

Time to dust off that foam roller!

With spring come longer days!  The sun is up earlier and that means it’s easier to get up and get that exercise routine started.  So with all that running, don’t forget to stretch! Remember- the liver and gallbladder are related to your ligaments and tendons so get...

Massage and Your Muscles!

Science is always upgrading and changing, we are discovering new and more detailed concepts, and some old concepts are being debunked!  This info is from an article in Runner’s World magazine. Old belief:  massage helps to flush toxins and lactic acid out of the...

Springtime with the family!

It’s warming up a little!  Ok we may get another heavy, wet, Spring snow, but on these warm days we can start to think about moving around a little bit more, getting outside, taking big breaths of fresh (hopefully) air!  I’ve had a bit of a struggle getting my kids...

Get your Stretch On!

Knee grinding?  Does walking, running, squatting or climbing stairs elicit a symphony of sounds from your knees?  One reason for this may be improper patellar tracking. The patella, or the kneecap is embedded in the thick patellar tendon that runs vertically across...