
July 2022

July 2022

A mixture of Native American, Colonial American, and European influences, it’s called the Buck Moon because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by. This full moon urges us, in a stern but beneficial manner, to be in our masculine energy and logically shed what no longer serves us in order to grow something even bigger - much like the buck and his antlers.
June 2022

June 2022

This month’s full moon peaked at 5:51 am today! That means that a good portion of us rose with the full moon today. Although the first official day of summer isn’t until next Tuesday, it feels very much like summer! The kids are out of school, travel is in full gear, and, for many of us, we are reorganizing a new schedule, yet again.
May 2022

May 2022

This month’s full blood moon coincides with a total lunar eclipse! A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth stands directly between the moon and the sun, which results in the earth casting its shadow on the moon. During a total lunar eclipse, the moon is fully obscured by the earth’s shadow, giving the moon a reddish hue. This phenomenon is where the term “blood moon” comes from.