Breathe in Spring
Spring is all about the bursting forth of new energy. Take a moment to sit or walk outside and reflect on the sheer force and determination exhibited by nature as it erupts from the Earth. ...
Get your Stretch On!
Knee grinding? Does walking, running, squatting or climbing stairs elicit a symphony of sounds from your knees? One reason for this may be improper patellar tracking. The patella, or the ...
Acupuncture and CHRONIC PAIN!
Here’s a fascinating op-ed ( from the NYT about chronic pain, and whether ...
Mermaid Stretch
Spring is liver time an the liver is related to your sinews- or common terms- ligaments and tendons. Try out this mermaid stretch on the reformer!
Spring= Liver= Frustration
The Liver is the “General” of the Yin organs. It’s primary responsibility is to orchestrate the flow of Qi through the body. And if you’ve ever been in charge of a group who can’t, or won’t ...