

To Touch

To Touch

Aside from the benefits we all think of when we think of massage and touch therapy:  tension release, healing from strains, sprains, pulls and relief for overworked areas, increased ...
Back to school with Liz

Back to school with Liz

Back to School, end of Summer, beginning of Fall - all filled with so many emotions, and changes in the earth and in our bodies.   My middle schooler is going back to school next ...
Quinoa Salad

Quinoa Salad

It’s that time when we start harvesting our veggies!  Try this quinoa salad which is a staple at our house and uses our own vine ripe grape tomatoes, kale, and cucumbers! Cook 1c quinoa ...
Late summer…..

Late summer…..

The environment which surrounds us affects us a very deep level. This means during this Late Summer season we are forced to deal with a lot more humidity. Increases in air moisture can invade ...

It’s Late Summer!

Hope you are managing to beat the heat these past couple of weeks. It's been a bit toasty don't ya think?  We are officially in the fifth season of TCM. Hold on. Wait just a minute. ...