
Stay Healthy This Winter

Stay Healthy This Winter

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure Your health is in your hands! Here at Bodies on Point we believe in the power of prevention. And so while it might be cold and flu season ...

I’m Ready for Salads!

Maybe most of you are not in the mood for salads yet, so here's a warm salad I came up with when I was craving one! One bunch of beets, stems cut off and saved.  Wash and wrap in in foil.  Bake ...

Sara’s Veggie Chili

Sara's Veggie Chili (I know it seems early, but make extra and freeze!  You will be soooo excited to enjoy your veggies in the dead of winter!!!!) Boil, peel and crush 6-7 tomatoes.  Set ...

Fall Flavored Quinoa

With all the hearty root vegetables, it screams fall to me!  Quick and easy recipe that my family loves. On a roasting pan: 3-4 red beets, peeled and chopped 1 butternut squash, cut in 4ths, ...