
Deep thoughts……

Deep thoughts……

How many of us run with music? Personally, I don’t. Never have and probably never will. I’ve tried and it doesn’t work for me. Why? Because I can’t hear the rhythm of my feet in ...
Chinese Medicine?

Chinese Medicine?

Some have speculated that less than 5% of the United States population is familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Can you believe it? It seems strange, but I know from even talking with ...

Salmon Curry

Thank you to for passing on this delicious recipe and helping me spice up the weekly “salmon and veggie” meal. We loved it!!!
It’s Graduation Time!

It’s Graduation Time!

Graduation for all!  Graduation from Kindergarten, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College and beyond!  Graduation into Summer too! May is a time of shifting ...
Spring Fruit Salad!

Spring Fruit Salad!

Checkout this fruit salad I brought to my friend’s house for Easter.  It was DELICIOUS! And soooo easy!! Courtesy of from FOR THE FRUIT SALAD YOU'LL NEED ...