Wearing the same old walking or running shoes you’ve had for a while? Yes, I was too, and my back was starting to get tight and achy and my feet felt tired all the time. So ...
Remember the Grapefruit Diet from the 80s? Does that date me . . . . Well the grapefruit diet isn’t actually bad. . . . you just need to eat more than just grapefruit. Grapefruits ...
Neck and Upper Back Pain?
Neck and Upper Back Pain?
If you work at a computer, work with your hands, maybe have a slightly rounded upper back from “not so great” posture, if you lift heavy may feel like ...
April Showers bring . . . .
We know the weather has been giving us all a run for our money these days, but do not lose hope. It is Colorado after all and while "Springter" is not an official season, we all know it's ...
Massage and SCIENCE!
Knowing that Spring can be a time of frustration helps me to be a little less hard on myself for the moodiness and dissatisfaction that comes upon me in late March and April. I’ve never really ...